Amateur Radio Station W0RX in Minnesota, USA

I am in Pennington County, grid EN18ub, Minnesota

These pages are meant to document ham radio activities at my current QTH. I have held 3 different callsigns since moving here in 1983: WA9HFO (which I was issued in 1964), NZ0R (1987-1996) and W0RX (1996-Present). With a young family, and the usual young finances to go with it, I started my ham radio adventure here by reassembling, and rebuilding, my novice station, which had been mostly unused since I graduated high school in 1967. When I finished, it looked like this:

I believe this picture was taken in 1985 or 86, after I had moved my station from our crowded trailer to a pole shed on the farm. The station consisted of my pride and joy, a Drake 2-B receiver along with my rebuilt Hallicrafters HT-40 and Heathkit HG-10 VFO. On the top shelf is a MFJ antenna tuner along with a homebrew 811a linear amplifier. I also rebuilt the amp onto two chassis, separating the power supply from the RFdeck. My callsign at this point was still WA9HFO. My orignal antennae, when still operating from our trailer, were a long wire, made from steel electric fencing wire, that stretched from the trailer out to a grain bin across the yard and supplemented with an inverted Vee for 20 meters which I strung in an oak tree overhead. When I moved to the pole shed and set things up as shown in the picture, I resurected an old Hygain 14AVS vertical which covered 10-40 meters and put up an inverted Vee for 80 meters. WARC bands not on the radar yet....


New Addition to the Antenna Farm - Picture coming from QTH


The Picture below is my shack at the end of the ARRL DX CW contest in February, 2012